Home OMiLAB Nodes OMILAB@JeonBuk National University

OMILAB@JeonBuk National University

"Towards Formal Methods of IoT Application"

The OMILAB node at JeonBuk National University in Korea works in the field of smart intelligent systems, including model-based verification support of complex environment and their simulation.

The OMiLAB Korea aims to initiate the Open Model Community in Korea, as well as, to expand this community to East and South Asia. The lab follows the notion and goals of the Open Models to realize the openness of the knowledge of mankind.

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About the OMILAB Node

The OMILAB node at JeonBuk National University in Korea works in the field of smart intelligent systems, including model-based verification support of complex environment and their simulation. The OMiLAB Korea aims to initiate the Open Model Community in Korea, as well as, to expand this community to East and South Asia. The lab follows the notion and goals of the Open Models to realize the openness of the knowledge of mankind. OMiLAB Korea has been actively involved in several initiative activities in Korea, as well as East Asia: organizing leading modeling and formal method groups, developing modeling and formal method tools, providing ADOxx trainings and tutorials, publishing ADOxx-based approaches and tools, promoting joint projects using ADOxx, etc. One of the most noticeable activities is definitely the tool development. The main tools developed so far in OMiLAB Korea include SAVE, which is a formal specification and verification tool based on δ-Calculus and GTS-Logic, PRISM, which is a collective behavior modeling and composition tool for business knowledge based on Behavior Ontology, and SRRE, which is a SW reverse engineering tool for enterprise systems based on round-trip engineering.


Formal specification and verification

About the Hosting Organisation

The division of Computer Science & Engineering at JeonBuk National University leads and contributes to the development of our society by teaching and studying the cutting-edge field of study, and fosters experts who can analyze and design computer software and hardware system in the 21st century. It encourages students to apply the knowledge in computer engineering and information technology, to analyze the system by reflecting the realistic limitations to solve engineering problems, and to develop creative programs that can fulfill the demands of the society and its users. The aim is to make the graduates to contribute to the growth of Korean IT industry by specializing software development track and having the high-level, cutting-edge programming abilities.


Have a virtual look at the OMiLAB!


Get an overview what this OMiLAB has accomplised! Selected results are presented below as a contribution to the global community:

Result: SAVE


Result: PRISM


Result: SREE



All further results of the OMiLAB Node are via the organizer.


The following, selected activities are organized by the OMiLAB.

NEMO Summerschool
The NEMO Summer School Series focuses on addressing these challenges through modelling, both in theory and practice. How to define modelling with the ‘right’ level of abstraction and how to engineer suitable modelling tools is at the heart of the summer school.

Prof. Lee has been a speaker at the NEMO Summer School Series since the second edition and joins the event every year in Vienna together with students from JeonBuk National University.
ADOxx Training @OMiLAB Korea
OMiLAB@JeonBuk National University organizes periodically ADOxx Training Days (www.adoxx.org) for professionals and graduate students in the region. Especially the trainings have been based on the target-oriented service to motivate the group of professionals and their graduate students to develop their modeling tools. ADOxx is the meta-modelling development and configuration platform for implementing modelling methods. Implementation of full-fletched modelling methods can be realized using the platform, consisting not only of a modelling language, but also of modelling procedure and the corresponding functionality in the form of mechanisms and algorithms.
Domain-Specifc Conceptual Moodelling for Analysing Complex Digital Environments - An IoT-based Smart City Case
The emerging progress in information systems, as currently experienced in many aspects of todays society improves the lives of many people. New trends like Industry 5.0, Society 5.0, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), and many more impact different aspects of both personal and work life and facilitate the usage of information technology in various application domains. The smart city is one concept that is built on this emerging progress in information systems. These kinds of systems often come with increased complexity. This directly influences the understanding, planning, design, implementation, and continuous improvement of information systems in such complex domains. Conceptual modelling is one way to handle such complexity, as it aims at applying abstraction, to only capture the necessary knowledge of an existing or planned system in an interpretable and understandable form. This added value is further utilized by using computer-aided modelling tools to create, analyze and process the conceptual models, hence enabling model value. Within this project, a domain-specific conceptual modelling method, called DeViLL (Delta Visual Language and Logic), will be created. DeViLL will be based on process algebra to model distributed and mobile IoT systems with spatial and temporal restrictions. To further facilitate the added value of the modelling method, an industry-proven platform will be used to implement a computer-aided modelling tool. The tool will support the creation of diagrammatic models, enable their analysis, and allow for model-value functionality processing. A case study based on a smart city scenario will be used for the evaluation of the modelling method and tool and the information systems designed with it. The testing environment is an instance of the Digital Innovation Environment (DIEn) provided by OMiLAB. This is a research project between the OMiLAB@UNIVIE and OMiLAB@Chonbuk National University supported by Basic Science Research Programs through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (NRF-2022K1A3A1A18079935).


The following cyber-physical resources are available at the OMILAB node:

Dobot Magician

The Dobot Magican demonstrates sorting and collaborative scenarios.

Makeblock mBot

This CPS is applied for smart mobility application scenarios.


Relevant publications of the OMILAB node:

Choe Y., Lee M. (2016) Algebraic Method to Model Secure IoT. In Karagiannis D., Mayr H., Mylopoulos J. (eds) Domain-Specific Conceptual Modeling. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-39417-6_15
Karagiannis, D., Moonkun L., Hinkelmann K. & Utz W. (2022). Domain-specific conceptual modeling - Concepts, methods and ADOxx tools. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-93547-4