Our Philosophy
OMiLAB ≡ Open Models Initiative LABoratory
We support an active global community for conceptual modelling who benefits from open artefacts. To this end we act as a facilitator to the development of scientific methods and technologies for all those who value models. In addition we act as a platform, where participants can bring in ideas related to modelling and engage in the exploration process.
We follow a user-driven approach in our understanding of the term “model”, recognizing that there are useful models in widely different domains like information technology, biology, chemistry or medicine, as well as various functional areas like procurement, marketing, logistics and engineering.
Our organization contributes structurally to the community through a worldwide network of OMiLAB Nodes as well as a variety of resources, like:
- Knowledge and procedures (e.g. domain-independent methodologies, trainings and documentation)
- Technology (e.g. open source software and services), and through
- Community building activities.

We are open to all individuals and organisation for membership and contribution, to all domains and functional areas or organisations as well as to the use of content and technology through free or open copyright licenses.
Model-driven value creation through the interplay of science, technology and application in specific domains is key. Value is demonstrated by the impact and adoption of models in communities of practice.
Our members are self-governed. They steer the organization’s activities through a Scientific Advisory Board and actively contribute to the network.

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How to become an OMiLAB member?
Nodes may focus on specific research topics as long as their work bears relation to conceptual modelling. Current Nodes are located in Europe and Asia .
Get more information on the benefits and requirements of the OMiLAB Nodes.