NEMO Innovation Camp

A Decade of NEMO Summer School
Over the last decade, the NEMO Summer School has established itself as a significant educational experience, guiding the next generation of experts from 2014 to 2024 in designing and engineering Digital Ecosystems of the future. Central to its curriculum has been the emphasis on conceptual modeling, a critical skill set for addressing the complexities of digital transformation. This immersive program has equipped graduates over the last 10 years with cutting-edge techniques to effectively navigate multidisciplinary settings in the context of digital transformation.
Through the combination of expert-led lectures and collaborative exercises, NEMO has cultivated an environment for fostering innovation, teamwork and cross-cultural exchange, manifesting in a network of over 500 NEMO Alumni who are connected through the OMiLAB Community of Practice.
...and it continues as NEMO Innovation Camp

This evolution offers an intensive week-long experience to take place in a different country each year, starting from 2025 onwards. With an emphasis on a semantic-driven notion of Digital Twins and increased industry collaboration, the Innovation Camp aims to develop forward-thinking solutions that combine technological advancements with practical applications. In this setting, upcoming digital leaders acquire and apply advanced conceptual modeling techniques that incorporate latest AI-technologies, like Neural Networks or Large Language Models, to bridge the physical and virtual worlds.
The NEMO Innovation Camp continues to bring together High Potentials within a global Community of Practice, thus serving as a platform for like-minded people set to shape the future!
What to expect at NEMO2025:
An intensive one-week program dedicated to Digital Innovation, combining expert-led lectures on digital transformation with hands-on skill-building working sessions and delivering a unique European Certification on 5.0 Innovation. Participants will collaborate in multicultural teams to tackle real-world digitalisation challenges through a comprehensive innovation project for a company. Designed to enhance your expertise and guide you through the entire innovation process, this program provides the tools and experience needed to excel in the 5.0 digital age. Each day will focus on achieving a key milestone in developing a concrete solution for the digital challenge.
- Haptic Co-Creation: Designing the Digital Business Model.
- Digitalization: Exploring model-driven value creation & understanding Digital Twins.
- Physical Environment: Bring your ideas to life by realizing a low-fidelity user prototype.
Target group of the NEMO Innovation Camp are Master and PhD-students, young academics, and highly-talented industry professionals interested in Digital Innovation.
We welcome student enrolled in programs of:
- Computer Science
- Business Informatics
- Information Systems
- Business Administration
- Industrial Management
- Service Science