Co-Creative Decision-Makers for 5.0 Organizations
CoDEMO 5.0 Project

CoDEMO 5.0: Co-Creative Decision-Makers for 5.0 Organizations
A lack of trained personnel to support the transformation of European enterprises from 4.0 (focused on digitalization and technologies) to 5.0 (Green, Resilient, Human-centered) organizations has been widely reported. CoDEMO aims to fill this gap by developing a new training offer in co-creation with institutional, academic, and socio-economic partners.
CoDEMO project uses the vision of 5.0 Society to ensure the convergence between Digital Innovation and Green Skills. The three key dimensions of 5.0 organizations, Green, Resilient, Human-oriented, make it possible to transform a technological vision of digitalization, into a sustainable and green perspective. Sustainable and Green Digitalization is at the heart of CoDEMO. The project follows the Knowledge-Skills-Competences Framework (KSC): Knowledge results from the assimilation of information through learning; Skills is the ability to apply knowledge and know-how to complete tasks and solve problems; Competences consists in proven abilities to use knowledge, skills and personal abilities to take in charge professional situations and personal development.
Furthermore, the project implements a multi- and trans-sectorial approach of innovative capabilities. Multi-sectorial approach means that CoDEMO aims at increasing innovation capabilities in the European economy at a large scale. We have selected three experimental sectors directly involved in the action plan: agri-food, industry and healthcare.
CoDEMO 5.0 Objectives
CoDEMO covers 3 European areas (South, Center and East) and 3 economic sectors (Healthcare, Agri-food & Industry). The use of European educational tools (Open Badges, Micro-credentials, ESG, EQAVET, EQF) maximizes its impact. Besides academic students and vocational trainees, CoDEMO enhances innovation skills of teachers, teaching organisms (VET/HEI) and socio-economic actors. By boosting innovation and modernizing education in value co-creation for 5.0 organizations, CoDEMO contributes to the Alliances for Innovation objectives, reinforce the European Education Area and support the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (n. 4,8,9,12,16,17) and Europe Recovery Plan.
- Socio-economic Collaboration: to boost socio-economic collaborations on 5.0 innovations by creating 6 national networks and physical/virtual infrastructures for 5.0 value co-creation projects and the production of 24 case studies.
- Certification for 5.0 Decision-Makers:to create a unique European Open Badge Certification for Decision-Makers for 5.0 Organizations (Delivery curricula in 6 countries, with 480 decision-makers certificated including vocational trainees and academic students).
- Value Co-Creation Community: to create a long-term, open & active international community on 5.0 value co-creation (over 600 members, with 15 national/international outreach events), supported by an innovative e-platform including knowledge, skills and competence recognition.
- Cutting-edge learning method: to foster higher professionalization by implementing a cutting-edge learning method with face-to-face and blended learning, as well as practical learning situations that catalyze the in-practice emergence of skills and competences.
CoDEMO 5.0: Overview Project Approach
By associating (1) an innovation infrastructure for collaborative value creation together with (2) a shared innovative learning method, the goal of the project is to support an effective implementation of value co-creation initiatives among socio-economic actors and the development of new innovative knowledge, skills and competences for 5.0 organization decision-makers from various sectors.