The OMiLAB-Rob Project
Inspired by the Open Models (OMi) Laboratory at the University of Vienna, the OMiLAB-Rob project provides a dedicated research and experimentation space to understand, model, and engineer the knowledge-intensive systems of the future. Both a physical and virtual place, OMiLab-Rob links together
- a research methodology,
- a dedicated community and
- a technical environment.
The objective of the OMiLAB-Rob project is to integrate conceptual models (which are constructed by humans for humans) with cyber-physical systems. Thereby, the focus is to enable a knowledge-based understanding of "smart" models by machines. To facilitate the engineering of these systems, the OMiLAB-Rob project provices a physical and virtual environment, where experiments validate the integration of conceptual models and cyber-physical systems. In a continuous cycle, the experiments' results are used to refine the necessary methods.
OMiLAB-Rob Experiments
The project has spun several experiments, where Cyber-Physical Systems and conceptual modelling are working together to solve digital transformation challenges. For more details visit the experiments page.