MM-DSL Tookit: CoChaCo
CoChaCo is a collection of constructs, aiming to support the process of thinking, creating and designing a meta-model. The Concept, Characteristic and Connector constructs, which give CoChaCo its name, allow describing the composition of a meta-model while Purpose and Functionality constructs allow to depict the utilization of the meta-model. Stakeholders allow to keep track of the relevant interested parties. With these types in mind and the possibility to relate their instances to one another it is possible to create meta-models independent of a specific framework, platform or implementation while concentrating at the heart of meta-modelling.
An implementation can be downloaded as CoChaCo4ADOxx.
To implement the meta-model you have designed as your own modeling tool you can use the ADOxx platform.
There is also a Visual Studio Code extension available to help with writing code used by the ADOxx platform.