OMILAB@Harakopio University of Athens
"Digitalization of processes in business and social contexts."
OMiLAB@HUA is a collaborative learning environment in the fields of system design, digital transformation, innovation development.

About the OMILAB Node
OMiLAB@Harokopio University of Athens aims to support students and researchers in developing ideas and respective models that implement digitization of processes in business and social contexts. More speciflically, they will be able to propose, model and test in lab environment innovative systems, services and products that utilize state-of-the-art technologies such as IoT, AI etc.
- Digitization of Processes
- Modelling and Design of Cyber-Physical Systems
About the Hosting Organisation
Harokopio University of Athens (HUA) is recognized as one of the most competitive universities both nationally and globally. It is ranked 2nd in Greece among the nineteen (19) Greek institutions participating in Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2025. Quality of Life and its improvement is the target of all its research and educational activities. There are three schools - School of Environment, Geography, and Applied Economics, School of Health and Education Sciences and School of Digital Technology.
Get an overview what this OMiLAB has accomplised! Selected results are presented below as a contribution to the global community:
All further results of the OMiLAB Node are via the organizer.
The following cyber-physical resources are available at the OMILAB node:
Business Layer using SAP-Scenes
Dobot Magician
Proof of Concept Layer CPS-Device
Proof of Concept Layer CPS-Device
Relevant publications of the OMILAB node: