The newly established OMiLAB node at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Bielefeld - OMiLAB@HSBI, welcomes participants at the International Week in the lab for a showcase of the Digital Innovation Environment starting with the Co-Creation layer of Design Thinking with Scene2Model, moving to model-based interactions with a Robotic Arm and mBot generating model-value in different scenarios!
OMiLAB in Action: Driving Digital Innovation and Transformation through Open Models
In recent years, we could observe a fast-paced evolution of technologies (infrastructure, hardware, software) in a ubiquitous manner leading to a change of perception how we build, organize, and run business operations. Enterprises constantly need to reflect on a strategic level how these changing circumstances are influencing their business models, operation, and regulatory/organisational framework they operate within to stay competitive and transparently develop and adapt their roadmap for digital transformation. Consequently, innovation process are required to continuous evaluate, trigger changes and adapt to specific needs on a societal and business level.
The above observation motivates the OMiLAB@HSBI showcase and introduces the Digital Innovation Environment powered by OMiLAB, as an open digital ecosystem designed to support the design of novel business ideas, the decomposition into conceptual models enabling model-value functionality and feasibility assessments as experiments for assessment.

Furthermore, the selected examples for the showcase steam also from the project
CoDEMO 5.0 - Co-Creative Decision Makers for 5.0 Organizations. Both, OMiLAB NPO and HSBI are partners in CoDEMO 5.0.
Background Information about the IW@HSBI
Lecturers and researchers of the university invite international colleagues from teaching, research and practice from the same or related disciplines to all campus locations of HSBI to participate in lectures and workshops for one week. The IW is rounded off with a colourful supporting programme for all status groups of the university.
OMiLAB@HSBI is led by
Prof. Thomas Süße.
Acknowledgment: This presentation is supported by the CoDEMO 5.0 Project and has been funded within the Erasmus+ Programme (ERASMUS-EDU-2022-PI-ALL-INNO) under project reference number 101104819. This work expresses the opinions of the authors and not necessarily those of the European Commission. The European Commission is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained in this work.